Posts Tagged ‘Truth’

“Dad, that’s a good idea about you telling me that Santa Claus isn’t real and how when I get older I might not think God is real.” -Joshua, 5 years old

Alexis and I’ve decided to not feed our boys the myth about Christmas and the Easter bunny. We’ve decided to tell our boys the truth about Christmas, the birth and death of Christ, a guy named Nick, and, as much as we’d like, reindeer don’t fly.

I was 7, a late bloomer I guess, when I discovered the truth about Christmas and I was devastated. We were walking through K-Mart at Christmas and my brother, younger than I, dropped the bomb. I remember being so hurt toward my mom for lying to me. While I didn’t question my faith in Christ, at 7, I still remember the thought coming to mind, “So is Jesus real?”

Be honest with your kids. Tell them the truth about Jesus, Christmas, and Easter. Believe, it goes totally against every other wimpy parent around you, but like momma used to say, “If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?”